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COPA Moves to High Court Against So-Called Bitcoin Innovator, Craig Wright

Apr 15, 2021

Craig Wright is one person alone in the crypto industry who is capable of disrupting the entire crypto foundation. For several years he has been claiming himself to be recognized as the real innovator of Bitcoin. Contrary to his claims, neither his name is recognized as “Satoshi Nakamoto” nor has he been able to bring forward credible evidence to prove his claim. Instead, he has become a mockery amongst his friends as well as in the crypto industry.

But still, his struggle towards the genuineness of his claims is going on for which he has a team of highly-paid lawyers to support his claim.

In the recent past, few individuals along with crypto investors as well as several politicians had shared Bitcoin’s white paper. The publication was made from their official social media accounts. However, the publication did not please Wright as he thought it was an infringement of his intellectual property. Assuming this, he then sought legal assistance from his hired legal team, and resultantly warning notices were sent to publishers of Bitcoin’s white paper. In this letter, the message was loud and clear and singular i.e. wright is the owner of the Bitcoin whitepaper and therefore the paper is his property.

It was explained in the warning letters that if whitepapers were not removed forthwith then legal action will be taken against such persons. But his warning completely backfired as more individuals started to share Bitcoin’s whitepaper on their social media accounts.

Later on, Wright’s team took up the matter with the US Court and lodged several lawsuits for infringement of property rights. When the cases were heard by the Court, the Court did not find any legal grounds for accepting the claim of Wright. Instead, the court outright rejected the claim and decided against Wright. However, even after losing the court battle at the lower court level, Wright’s morale didn’t fall apart.

Now an interesting development has taken place in the UK regarding Wright. A lawsuit has been filed by Crypto Patent Alliance (COPA) against the so-called inventor of Bitcoin, Craig Wright. The case has been moved directly before the High Court of Justice. In the suit, COPA has prayed to the High Court of England and Wales that Wright should be refrained from claiming his right over Bitcoin’s whitepaper.

Without prejudice to what the outcome of the case would be, but looking at Wright’s past history, he would be glad to contest the claim. In fact, he would be more than happy before as he got an opportunity to prove his claim.

COPA has made a statement in which it has said that it will continue to support the developer community of Bitcoin and its members. COPA will not be threatened by anyone who is trying to jeopardize their rights.

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